Welcome to Pekka's fascinating graphics coding and hobbyist programming website.
Professionally, I am a software engineer working in VR tech. Previously I've also wrestled with 3D scanning, mesh optimization, and 2D display drivers.
On this site I try to explain niche technical subjects in clear language.
- Shader post-processing in a hurry (April 6th, 2024)
graphics, shaders
- Clean pointer serialization in C (January 21st, 2024)
serialization, technique
- Sort a sphere BVH with split planes (January 10, 2024)
graphics, algorithms, fundamentals
- Annoying details of a Z-buffer rasterizer (January 4th, 2024)
graphics, meshes
- Going up in color bit depth (November 8th, 2023)
- In-place filtering of an array (March 22nd, 2023)
C++, algorithms
- BSP Lessons (March 7th, 2023)
graphics, meshes, quakeology
- Full screen triangle optimization (February 27th, 2023)
graphics, OpenGL
Other resources:
You can also follow me on Mastodon.